Guinness World Record

Friends for a better world presents:

Global Peace Meditation

60 minutes together for peace.

Sunday, February 2, 2025 7:00 p.m.

Here is the direct YouTube link for today at 7:00 PM.

Click here and join live!

With this link you are directly on YouTube

Be part of the big event:

Worldwide group meditation for peace in the world

200,000 people meditate simultaneously for global harmony and unity.

Global Peace Meditation - Guinness World Record
Verbunden durch Meditation

Connected through meditation: world record attempt for global peace and harmony

We want to send a strong signal, not only for peace in the world, but for peace within each individual. The sign here should go outwards and show that you and I and we are a strong community that wants more empathy, more love and more togetherness in the world.

If we manage to bring this dimension into the world, it can bring about real change because it can no longer be overlooked.

Together we are creating a wave of peace that will spread across the whole world.

Join in and become a world record holder! Your contribution as a message for peace

A global initiative for change - The largest virtual peace circle

Your participation makes a difference -
Every thought counts.

What for do we meditate?

🕊️ For peace – in ourselves and in the world

❤️ For love – in our hearts and our relationships

Why meditate together?

For a better world

Together we are creating a wave of peace.

The power of community

Together we are stronger than each individual.

Connected meditation

Over 200,000 people meditate together - with a global impact.

Sense of community

Together we achieve great things and create miracles.

Historic moment

We set signs of hope and inspiration.

Positive influence

Our energy will create a transformational energy field

With Deva Premal & Miten

Deva Premal and Miten are world-renowned musicians and ambassadors for peace and healing who bring love and harmony into the world with their touching voices and sacred mantras. Their music creates a space to connect with the universal power of love.

For over 30 years, they have been inspiring people all over the world to make a positive contribution to a peaceful future through sound and meditation.

With Robert Betz to the Global Peace Meditation - Together for one world

Dipl. psych. Robert Betz has been one of the best-known ambassadors for peace and love for 30 years. He wants to promote a new earth where people live together in love and respect in order to actively strengthen global peace.

Join us and become part of this powerful movement – register now for the Global Peace Meditation and shape a peaceful future together with us!

With Eva-Maria Zurhorst

Eva-Maria Zurhorst, Germany’s best-known relationship expert, has been living and teaching meditation for decades. For her, it is part of her daily practice to find inner peace and, in what she calls creative meditation, to bring her life into balance, connection and abundance with a clear focus from the inside out. For years, she has accompanied women on their personal development path in her trainings and regularly connects thousands of them in large group meditations to build a powerful energy field of healing and peace. Zurhorst knows how powerful a shared energy field can be not only for each individual, but that a shared focus on healing, love and peace has a measurable effect far beyond the meditators. With her deep understanding of relationships, she shows how much it is in our hands not to hope for peace and love in the world, but to open our hearts and, out of silence, to care for peace and love within ourselves and thus bring more peace and harmony into the world.

A global initiative for change - The largest virtual peace circle

Together we can achieve great things that an individual cannot.

So läuft es ab:
19.00 Uhr (MEZ) Beginn

Begrüssung mit musikalischer Begleitung mit Deva Premal & Miten

Friedensbringer Robert Betz spricht zu Frieden & Liebe

Gemeinsame Friedens-Meditation Robert Betz

Musik Deva Premal & Miten

Friedens-Botschaft von Eva-Maria Zurhorst

Gemeinsame Friedens-Meditation Eva-Maria Zurhorst

Verkündung Weltrekord

Ende 21.00 Uhr

Datum: Sonntag 2. Februar 2025

Kosten: Gratis

This is how it works:
start 7:00 pm (CET)

Welcome with musical accompaniment  by Deva Premal & Miten

Peacemaker Robert Betz speaks about peace and love

Joint Peace Meditation  Robert Betz

Music Deva Premal & Miten

Peace message from Eva-Maria Zurhorst

Joint Peace Meditation Eva-Maria Zurhorst

World Record Announcement

Date: Sunday, February 2, 2025

Cost: Free

Be part of the big change!

Global Peace Meditation

Be part of the big event:

Together for peace:

Become a partner of Global Peace Meditation!

Global Peace Meditation - Guinness World Record

Global Peace Meditation is a worldwide movement for peace, mindfulness and connectedness. This event unites thousands of people with a common vision: a harmonious future in which love and respect take center stage. To realize this powerful initiative, we need you to stand by our side as a partner to actively contribute to a new era of peace.

Be part of the change you want to see in this world

True change begins when people unite and stand together for the good. Be part of the Global Peace Meditation and set an example for a world in peace, love and mindfulness. Connect with thousands of like-minded people and create a new, harmonious future with us – sign up now!

  • Financial donations: Enable the smooth running and reach of the event by making a financial donation and contribute to the global peace movement.
  • Technical support: Your technology can make the difference! From streaming technology to IT infrastructure – help us connect thousands of participants worldwide.
  • Network and contacts: Bring in your network and create new connections for a growing community that promotes peace and mindfulness.
  • Please support this project by advertising on Facebook, Instagram or other social media channels.
    Here you can find images and text templates that you may use:
  • Positive brand presence: Support a meaningful event and position yourself as an active promoter of peace and social change.
  • Visibility and reach: Reach a broad, engaged audience through the international focus of meditation.
  • Commitment with purpose: Show your values and your commitment to a world based on mindfulness and collaboration.

Become part of the Global Peace Meditation and join us in setting an example for a peaceful future.

You can request more information at

A powerful signal for peace

The world record we are aiming for gives this event even greater radiance and attracts the attention of the public. Due to the impressive number of participants, we can bring about a noticeable energetic change. The combination of mass meditation and world record attempt creates a unique platform to spread our message.

Our goal: A beacon of peace

With this campaign, we are sending an unmistakable and strong signal to the world:

  • We long for peace.
  • We stand for harmonious coexistence for all people.
  • We believe in the power of collective consciousness.

Thanks to the media attention generated by a world record, our message of peace reaches a wide audience. In this way, we can inspire people beyond the borders of the event and make them think. This mass meditation is more than just an event – it is a symbol of hope and a call for collective action for a more peaceful world, which is given even more significance by an official act.

You will receive a link from us where you can be there LIVE on Youtube! This link will be sent to you by e-mail and then sent to you again 1 day before and 60 minutes before as a reminder.

We will send you a link where you can be there LIVE via Youtube. This link will be sent to you by e-mail and then sent to you again 1 day before and 60 minutes later as a reminder.

The following organizations support this project:

Friends for a better World
Judith Haferland